4-H Cloverbud Cooking Camp

— Written By
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Kids wearing chefs hats pose together.

4-H Cooking camp has come and gone another year! This year we were excited to welcome twenty, 5-8-year-old youth into the kitchen to whip up meals from all around the world. The theme of this year’s camp was: Cooking Around the World!

Students learn to stir fry.

Youth had the opportunity to cook and eat meals from a different country each day. The five countries included: Nigeria, Italy, Korea, Mexico and Thailand! Some of us did not like the textures, some of us did not like the taste of some dishes but we all gave it a try in the end! Some of the meals included: Phad Thai, Mango Sticky Rice, Beef Stirfy, Sweet Potato Cookies and Plantains.

Kids cook and prepare food in a kitchen.

They also made crafts to go along with each country. The crafts included designing their own maracas, creating djembe drums and hand fans. Not only did our youth enjoy themselves but our teen volunteers expressed that they enjoyed making and trying the meals too! Some of the volunteers shared that they were exposed to new foods and appreciated the diverse meals given for the youth to try.

We look forward to hosting another exciting cooking camp next year!